Reporting and Analysis

Clear. Usable. Valuable.

Reporting and analysis ought to be helpful—not a jumble to interpret. So we put our years of expertise to work to make every dashboard setup and every report readable and actionable. 


A complex platform, clarified.

The power of Google Data Studio dashboard is amplified when you have a custom-setup dashboard that’s easy to read and understand. On top of that, we’ll align it with your site’s objectives so you can see in real time how your marketing efforts are working. The dashboard will make it simple to dig around and explore the data yourself.


Knowledge is power. Knowledge is attribution.

You should never have to wonder where your web traffic comes from. We can help attribute it to the right marketing efforts and make it clearer what kind of ROI you’re getting from them. We’ll parse your dashboards, recommendations, and insights by individual traffic source or campaign. And we can even help with campaign setup using a custom UTM builder tool.


We make recommendations like it’s our job.

You’re free to do your job—while we dig through the data, analyze, recommend how to optimize your website, and help with campaign setup. This lets you sit back and get a clear picture of which marketing efforts are leading to actual web traffic. All that better traffic flow means fewer people will drop out of the sales funnel—letting your streamlined site maximize revenue.